Bust of Skeleton

Tapa Kalān - Figure

HADB N° : 184
Technique : Modelling
Object Type : Figure
Material : Stucco
Site : Haḍḍa
Museum : Guimet Museum
Findspot : Tapa Kalān
Number of Findspot : 68
Dimensions : 10.5 cm
Traces of Polychromy : No
Type of Restoration : No restoration
Description :

As part of the threatening demon cohorts of Māra's army, this skeleton personifies death. The artist has taken care to represent the details of the anatomy. The rounded skull is hollowed out by round orbits, without arches. The nose, jaw and teeth are represented in a fantasy way, especially when compared to the rigour with which the modeler has represented the clavicles, ribs and vertebrae.

Bibliographical References :

BARTHOUX Jules - 1930 - Les Fouilles de Haḍḍa, Figures et Figurines - Pl. 101 c