Bust of Warrior

Tapa Kalān - Figure

HADB N° : 416
Technique : Modelling
Object Type : Figure
Material : Stucco
Site : Haḍḍa
Museum : National Museum of Afghanistan
Findspot : Tapa Kalān
Number of Findspot : 139
Traces of Polychromy : No
Type of Restoration : No restauration
Description :

This warrior in a Atlas-like position is very damaged. Part of the architrave he was pretending to support is still visible. The hair is long and falls over the shoulders in fine strands. The soldier looks furious, his eyes exhorbated, his mouth drooping. He is protecting himself with a round shield, decorated with a rough face (according to Barthoux, a Medusa face), the edge of which is highlighted with a listel.

Bibliographical References :

BARTHOUX Jules - 1930 - Les Fouilles de Haḍḍa, Figures et Figurines - Pl. 110 a

TISSOT Francine - 2006 - Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan (1931 – 1985) - P. 462, K.p. Ha. 1309.376