Bust of Nāga

Tapa Kalān - Figure

HADB N° : 164
Technique : Modelling
Object Type : Figure
Material : Stucco
Site : Haḍḍa
Findspot : Tapa Kalān
Number of Findspot : 54
Traces of Polychromy : No
Type of Restoration : No restauration
Description :

This Nāga is depicted with a human torso terminated by a fish tail wrapped around itself. At the shoulder, the hand holds a rope attached to the torso, the attachment of a weapon.

Observation :

This figure was in an Atlas-like position.

Comparative Study :

This motif can be compared to the makaras of ancient Indian art, which were sculpted on the rounded ends of the lintels of the toraṇas, as well as to the tritons of Hellenistic art, which are found in this posture in the corners of the frontons.

Bibliographical References :

BARTHOUX Jules - 1930 - Les Fouilles de Haḍḍa, Figures et Figurines - Pl. 109 h