Nude Children

Tapa Kalān - Historiated scene

HADB N° : 136
Technique : Modelling
Object Type : Historiated scene
Material : Stucco
Site : Haḍḍa
Museum : Guimet Museum
Museum Registration Number : MG 17420
Findspot : Tapa Kalān
Number of Findspot : 67
Dimensions : 12 x 11 cm
Traces of Polychromy : No
Type of Restoration : No restoration
Description :

Depicted from the back, two nude children stand as if leaning against something that has now disappeared. Their hair is short and slightly wavy. One of them seems to be turning his head to his left. It is likely that these two toddlers are related to a representation of the goddess Hāritī.

Bibliographical References :

BARTHOUX Jules - 1930 - Les Fouilles de Haḍḍa, Figures et Figurines - Pl. 98 c