Scene from the Buddha's life

Tapa Kalān - Historiated bas-relief

HADB N° : 55
Technique : Sculpture
Object Type : Historiated bas-relief
Material : Siliceous Limestone
Site : Haḍḍa
Museum : National Museum of Afghanistan
Museum Registration Number : MK 77
Findspot : Tapa Kalān
Number of Findspot : 68
Traces of Polychromy : No
Type of Restoration : No restoration
Description :

This relief fragment illustrates a scene from the life of the Buddha. In the foreground, now beheaded, a figure sketches the characteristic original gesture. It could be either a monk or the Buddha himself. However, the praying figures in the background are facing the other way, which leads us to believe that it was a monk. Directly next to him, in the foreground and background, are three other monks. Shaven as usual, they are slightly brachycephalic and their features are individualised. Two of them are looking towards the headless figure, one of them holding his hand to his chest. The third monk is turning towards the other side, towards Vajrapāṇi. The latter is depicted as a mature man with a moustache. The Hellenistic influence is perceptible in this heroic nude type, draped in a paridhāna thrown over his shoulder. He carries the Vajra through the middle. The face is of a foreign type. In the background, three coiffed figures wearing necklaces, bracelets, and earrings pay homage to the scene. Two of them raise a hand filled with flower petals, certainly to throw them at the Blessed One, the third has his hands joined in anjalimudrā. Their preformed turbans, with central or off-centre puffs, are characteristic of Bodhisattvas.

Observation :

In 2006, Francine Tissot stated in her catalogue of the Kabul Museum that the body of Vajrapāṇi was partly destroyed.

Bibliographical References :

BARTHOUX Jules - 1930 - Les Fouilles de Haḍḍa, Figures et Figurines - Pl. 40 b